30th July 2024
Downsizing your Home in Brighton and Hove
People move home for many different reasons and it is often a highly emotional experience. Selling a home inherited from a loved one, or moving due to changes in personal or financial circumstances can all be difficult to deal with.
However, when you choose to move to a smaller property in what's called 'downsizing' there can be a completely different set of emotions you might be dealing with.
The old saying that a 'house is not a home' cuts both ways.
In many cases, the building in which you've built your long term home really
does become part of your life.
Family, friends, and pets may perhaps all have played a part in the story of your home. There will be memories, both good and not so good, built up over the years you have lived there that will always resonate deeply with you.
While this is one of the reasons that downsizing can be such a daunting prospect, the truth of the matter is that it actually represents a whole new chapter in life which will create its own new happy memories.
Staying local
A good estate agent knows that everyone we help to sell their home will have different levels of emotional involvement.
Sometimes the idea of moving at a certain stage of life might seem to involve so much that it appears too daunting. There are many ways that we can use our own skills and experience to help.
For instance, one of the worries some people have about downsizing revolves around moving away from areas, people and amenities that they know and love.
We're very lucky in Brighton and Hove because this is
something that can be easily solved. There are a wide range of different types of property all mixed together in the various locations around the city and
this takes away one of the big concerns about downsizing.
Small is beautiful
The clue really is in the name - downsizing literally means moving to a new home that is smaller!
There are so many advantages to doing this - a large house with fewer occupants than before can be difficult to maintain properly. Paying for heating a large home and other outgoings such as council tax can be a factor too.
Many people have built up significant financial equity in their home, especially if they are mortgage free and have living there for a number of years. This means that funds can be released in the process of downsizing, and often this can mean a large amount of money.
All in all, there are many advantages to making this type of move and in Brighton and Hove it doesn't have to mean moving away from much-loved neighbourhoods and cherished friendships and family.
If you're thinking of things and would like to chat about possibilities and options, at Maslen Estate Agents we're here to help. Call us 01273 677 001, email [email protected] or pop in to have a chat with us in person.